Wednesday, October 14, 2009

6 - Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

My head is foggy, my neck is stiff, my throat is sore, and my nose is leaky. Seems as if I’ve caught the common cold. Bummer. Luckily I have Dr. Greta to the rescue. While writing the above entries Dr. Greta brought me a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. Then she told me to either drink it really fast or drink it really slow. I’m not sure which she said, but I know it was something about the Vitamin C being oxidized and it’s better for your health if you drink it one way or the other. I guess I’ll just drink the first half really fast, and take my time with the second half. That should do the trick, right?

1 comment:

  1. yeah dude, I got a cold and i was chuggalugging OJ for a few days, it totally helps. Sadly mine was not awesomtastically fresh squeezed though...
