Friday, October 9, 2009

1 – Arriving in Guayaquil

So how did I end up in Guayaquil, Ecuador? While visiting a friend of my mom’s (Hi Missy!) in Washington D.C. I met Dr. Greta Miño. Our visits to D.C. overlapped for one day, so I was lucky enough to get a chance to talk to her. Greta is one of the directors of a hospital in Guayaquil, and she invited me to come stay with her and volunteer in the hospital. I’m not one to pass up an opportunity, so here I am in the largest city of Ecuador just beginning my 8-month South American adventure.
My flight from LA to Miami was a piece of cake because I slept from takeoff to landing. My flight from Miami to Guayaquil… now that was exciting. The man next to me, who I soon learned to be of the name Sucre (Sugar for my gringo friends), was very nice and told me all about his beloved Guayaquil hometown. Sucre told me the best places to visit and the best foods to eat. We talked the entire flight all the while Sucre sat drinking his ginger ales and skyy vodkas. Three hours and six skyy vodkas after meeting Sucre his words were slurred and his body wavered, but his enthusiasm never waned. Regardless of his drinking habits Sucre gave me some very valuable advice: Take my time. Don’t rush from place to place. Relax. Enjoy it. Viva la vida. So here’s to Sucre, my first Guayaquileño amigo.


  1. that was a nice story. when this is adapted to a book that can be your dedication. and then another dedication to me

  2. I take full credit for the creation of this blog, I threatened to turn all ebooks into a blog if Amanda didn't make one herself. Therefore I think I have the book version dedication in the bag. :) Just kidding.

    Amanda - thanks for the maps, I do enjoy my geography and you saved me a trip to I appreciate it.

    Hope you're having an amazing time and that Sucre isn't the only sweet person you meet. (Get it? Sweet, like sugar!)

  3. I COULDN'T FIND IT ON THE MAP ! are you sure it's there???

  4. Ecuador is in the Northwest part of South America, and Guayaquil is in the southwest part of Ecuador just above that island.
    As far as the dedication goes, it will probably go to the person that leaves the most comments.

  5. what does it mean to "follow" a blog? I'm your follower, but I don't get automatic emails saying when you've, what do I get?

  6. Hi Amanda, October 9th,... uhoh, we've got a lot of Blog to go. Sorry Ann & I have been side tracked with little grandaughter (her name is Bina Batsheva). So... from day one, what did this guy Sucre look like and how old was this vodka drinking lech? You didn't tell us how many drinks you had, so maybe you drank him under the seat tray as he talked away. How's working at the hospital? It sounds exciting. I should stop now and read ahead. Ann and I will take turns and catch up with your trip. As far as the dedication, who cares, if it weren't for you blog I never would have known exactly where Ecuador was, let alone Guayaquil. Love Ann & Don

  7. woohoo! i finally caught up on your bloggalogging, and I love it!
