Monday, November 16, 2009

15 - Cerro Blanco and Fútbol

Cerro Blanco is a small protected patch of dry forest about 45 minutes outside of Guayaquil. I was hoping to be able to hike around on my own, but when I got there I found out I needed a guide. Luckily there weren´t really any other people there, so I had my own personal guide to hike around with and learn some things.

Check out the spikes on this ceibo tree.

Here´s a cool picture of a butterfly

We heard howler monkeys... or did we?

I went to a Guayaquil fútbol game with some of Greta´s family. Fútbol games are awesome because everyone is so excited and cheers the entire game.

Vamos vamos azules este tarde tenemos que ganar (let´s go let´s go blue this afternoon we have to win) - which we did!

Here I am at the game with Carlos, Ivanna, and Carlos´amiga


  1. My favorite part of the soccer game I went to in Mexico was when they introduced the away team's players, and after every name every single person in the crowd, man, woman, young, old, shouted "puto!!"

  2. i dont know what puto means so i dont get merediths comment but i just wanted to say way to represent the pilots south of the border (southerer than meredith did)
