Tuesday, February 23, 2010

28 - Arequipa and Colca Canyon

Sorry... It´s been way too long since adding anything to this blog. There are lots of reasons for that including being sick, being busy, and being lazy. I posted these pictures a long time ago, and never added any descriptions. Now it´s been so long that I just want to get this post done. I´m not going to write very much, and hopefully the pictures can just speak for themselves.

A few weeks ago I took an overnight bus from Ica to Arequipa.

Here´s the main plaza and the church. Pretty much every city in Peru has a main plaza with a big huge church.

This is the market in Arequipa.

I went on a really cool tour to Colca Canyon. It´s an amazing Canyon a little outside of Arequipa. The canyon is even deeper than the Grand Canyon.

Along the way to the canyon we stopped to look at vicuñas, which are an animal related to llamas and alpacas.

The whole area around the canyon was absolutely incredibly beautiful.

The tour of the canyon included an overnight stay at a really nice rustic hotel. This is the view from the window of my room.

We also went out for dinner at a nice restaurant where we watched a show of traditional Peruvian dancing. I had alpaca steak for dinner.

That night was the last night of Carnaval and all the locals were out in beautiful outfits dancing all around the plaza. We joined in the dancing and had a great night. 

Some more beautiful pictures and a short video clip showing the area around the canyon. 

I took a great picture with a local woman, a llama, and an eagle on my head.

We saw a condor, which made me really happy because I love birds. 

Some nice pictures on our drive back to Arequipa.

Well Arequipa and Colca Canyon were really amazing. Right now I'm in Cusco volunteering in an afterschool program for Cusqueno children. It's been so much fun, and the kids are amazing. I don't think I want to ever leave. I'll give a more complete update on my time in Cusco in my next post. 


  1. Hope you're feeling better, Amandita. I miss you, too! Whenever I hear birds chirp, I think of you now, sort of like the movie "It's a Wonderful Life," except tangible :)

  2. Very cool! Definitely gorgeous scenery!

    Some of your pictures are off center or over-lapping though....but i'm not complaining, just had to look at the enlarged version of them! heeheehee

    I'm obsessed with the picture of you with the tiny llama and bird on your head. sweet. Is that a baby llama?
