Saturday, December 19, 2009

19 - Goodbye Guayaquil

Wednesday, December 16th I packed my bags and took a 9 hour bus from Guayaquil up to Quito. I've stopped in Quito for a few days to visit my Quito family and BU study abroad students, but I am en route to Bogota, Colombia to meet Mama Cermak for the holidays.

Although I'm very excited to see my Mama I will really miss Guayaquil. I made such great friends and I have so many wonderful memories.

Here I am with my two best Guayaquilena amigas, Karina and Sofia. I spent many a nights partying, dancing, and laughing with these lovely girls. I'm going to miss them soooo much.

This is me and Greta Mino at an orchid farm. Greta was my mom away from my mom. Thank you Greta for everything!

I loved my time in Guayaquil, and I was really sad to leave. I hope my next adventures will be just as incredible as Ecuador.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun on the next leg of your journey! Can't wait for updates!!! SAY HI TO MOMMA CERMAK FOR ME!
